MERN Stack Course
Join Edukators in Coimbatore for a hands-on MERN stack course in Coimbatore designed to boost your web development skills. You'll learn MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js from industry experts. Our MERN stack course in Coimbatore provides comprehensive training, making it ideal for both beginners and those looking to advance their careers. Additionally, our MERN stack certification course in Coimbatore will validate your skills and enhance your job prospects. Moreover, our MERN stack development training in Coimbatore focuses on practical projects, ensuring you gain the experience needed to become a full-stack developer. We offer the best MERN stack course in Coimbatore, designed to meet industry standards. Furthermore, our MERN stack training in Coimbatore is part of our MERN Master's program, which includes certification and placement support. With our MERN Master's program training in Coimbatore, you'll receive top-notch education at the best training institute in the city. Our MERN Master's program classes and coaching center in Coimbatore provide personalized support to help you succeed. Enroll today with Edukators and start your journey towards a successful career in web development.
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About Mern Stack Course
Our MERN Stack Course in Coimbatore is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience for aspiring developers. Covering all aspects of the MERN stack – MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js – this course is ideal for those looking to build full-stack applications using JavaScript. Above all, our curriculum emphasizes practical, hands-on learning. Therefore, you can apply concepts in real-world scenarios. The MERN stack course in coimbatore includes coding projects, interactive sessions, and real-time evaluations to solidify your understanding. By the end of the training, you will have the skills and confidence to work on complex projects and pursue a career as a MERN stack developer. Join our MERN stack course in Coimbatore to become a proficient developer. Above all, you’ll get personalized guidance and hands-on experience. Therefore, we prepare you for a successful career. However, don’t wait—enroll today
Know about our Mern Stack Course Trainers
At Edukators in Coimbatore, our MERN Stack Course is taught by experienced professionals who are passionate about teaching. They have deep knowledge of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Our trainers provide practical advice, one-on-one guidance, and real-world projects to help you grasp full-stack development concepts. Each student receives personalized attention to meet their learning needs. With their expert support, you’ll gain the essential skills for a successful career as a MERN stack web developer. Join our MERN stack course in Coimbatore and experience top-notch training that prepares you for the job market. In short, come to Edukators and learn from the best. Above all, we offer quality training. Therefore, our expert instructors ensure you gain real skills. Don’t miss out—join us today
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Request A BatchBenefits of taking course with us!
Our MERN Stack Course in Coimbatore offers expert instruction and real-world skills. You’ll learn MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, covering everything from backend and frontend development to database management. We offer flexible learning options with both online and in-person classes to fit your schedule. Above all, our MERN stack course in Coimbatore includes hands-on projects for real experience. In addition, we provide career support such as job placement help, resume building, and interview practice. For instance, our support helps you transition smoothly into the job market. After that, you’ll be well-equipped for a successful career. In other words, join us to gain essential web development skills. However, spots fill up quickly, so enroll today
Course Details of MERN Stack
- What is HTML?
- Difference between Web and Internet
- History of HTML
- What is W3C?
- Difference HTML vs HTML 5
- IDE setup
- How to write and run HTML file?
- HTML Skeleton in detail
- What is DOM ?
- DOM levels
- HTML Style Guide
- Block and Inline Elements
- Semantic Elements
- HTML Elements
- HTML Attributes
- HTML Colors
- HTML Headings
- HTML Style
- HTML Paragraph
- HTML Formatting
- HTML Images
- HTML Links
- HTML Class
- HTML Lists
- HTML Tables
- HTML JavaScript
- HTML Quotation and Citation Elements
- HTML Iframes
- HTML File Paths
- HTML Computer Code Elements
- HTML Layout
- HTML Layout Techniques
- Superscript and Subscript
- Horizontal line
- Marked or highlighted text
- Deleted (cross-through) textWhat is IDE?
- HTML Forms Introduction
- HTML Form Attributes
- HTML Form Elements
- HTML Input Types
- HTML Input Attributes
- HTML Input Form Attributes
- HTML Buttons
- HTML Geolocation API
- HTML Drag and Drop API
- HTML Web Workers API
- HTML Media
- HTML Video
- HTML Audio
- HTML Plug-ins
- HTML YouTube
- HTML Canvas
- What is Web Storage?
- Cookies
- The localStorage Object
- The sessionStorage Object
- Delete Web Storage
- What is CSS?
- CSS Syntax
- Adding CSS and Its types
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Box Models
- CSS Specificity
- Block Level Elements
- Inline Level Elements
- What is CSS Units and its types?
- Absolute Lengths
- Relative Lengths
- What is CSS Specificity?
- Specificity Hierarchy
- How to Calculate Specificity?
- What is CSS Positions?
- Static, Relative, Fixed
- Absolute, Sticky
- CSS Padding
- CSS Margins
- CSS Shadows
- CSS Colors
- CSS Z-index
- CSS Images
- CSS Boarders
- CSS Masking
- CSS Comments
- CSS The Important Rule
- Flex Container and its properties
- Flex Items and its properties
- Flex Responsive and its properties
- Grid Layout and its properties
- Grid Container and its properties
- Grid Item and its properties
- Designing a webpage using grids
- Introduction to Javascript
- Setting up local environment
- Installing Node JS
- Different ways of using or adding JS in web development
- JavaScript Display Possibilities
- History of JS
- What is ECMA?
- JS String Literals
- What is Variable
- Identifiers and rules
- JS Comments
- JS Let
- JS Const
- JS Var
- Difference of Let, Const, Var
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- String Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Ternary Operators
- Type Operators
- Operator Precedence
- String
- Number
- Bigint
- Boolean
- Undefined
- Null
- Symbol
- Object
- An object
- An array
- An date
- If else
- Switch Statement
- For Loop
- For In
- For Of
- While Loop
- break, continue
- User defined function
- Arrow Function
- this Keyword in detail
- call, apply, bind
- Arrow Function with this keyword
- passing this keyword
- Strict Mode in JS
- Closure Function
- What is Error /Exception Handling?
- Try, Catch
- Throw custom error
- Raising errors based on error type
- Finally
- OOPS and its principles
- Class structure
- Inheritance
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Object Composition
- Static Method
- JS Callback with example
- Understanding Asynchronous JavaScript
- JS Promises
- JS Async / Await with example
- DOM Documents with example
- DOM Node with example
- DOM Events with example
- DOM Event Listeners with example
- DOM Forms with example
- Whats is WebAPI Intro?
- Workers API
- Forms API
- Storage API
- What is REST ?
- Live API working check
- More about API - Status code, Headers, Payloads and more
- What Is jQuery?
- Benefits of Using a JavaScript Library
- jQuery Structure and its Example
- Using Bind
- Using selectors Tag, id, class
- CSS Property Update
- Updating multiple css properties
- Example to get the dimension of a box
- CSS Chaining
- What is DOM Manipulation?
- attr(), html(), text() and val() with examples
- DOM Manipulation - Add in detail
- Functions - append, appendTo, after, insertAfter
- Functions - prepend, prependTo, before, insertBefore
- DOM Manipulation - Remove Intro
- Functions - remove(), empty()
- DOM Manipulation - Replace
- Function - replaceWith()
- Get and Set examples - html, text, val, attr
- What is DOM traversing? and know about its functions
- Functions - sibling, next, nextall, nextUntil
- Functions - prev, prevAll, preUntil
- what is Filtering and its functions?
- Function - first, last, eq, not, filter
- Traversing Ancestors with its functions
- Functions - parent, parents, parentsUntil
- Traversing Descendants and its function
- Functions - children, find
- What is Effects, Hide and show functions?
- What is MongoDB?
- Advantages of NoSQL Databases
- Key Features of MongoDB
- MongoDB vs. SQL Databases
- Installing MongoDB on Local Machine
- Setting up MongoDB Atlas (Cloud MongoDB)
- Connecting to MongoDB using Mongo Shell
- Creating Databases and Collections
- Inserting Documents
- Querying Documents
- Updating Documents
- Deleting Documents
- Schema Design in MongoDB
- Embedding vs. Referencing
- One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-Many Relationships
- Indexing for Performance
- Query Operators (Comparison, Logical, Element)
- Projection
- Sorting
- Pagination
- Aggregation Framework - Pipelines
- Aggregation Framework - Stages (Match, Group, Project, Sort, Limit, Lookup)
- Aggregation Framework - Aggregation Operators
- Types of Indexes (Single Field, Compound, Multikey, Text, Geospatial)
- Creating and Dropping Indexes
- Index Properties and Performance Considerations
- Introduction to Mongoose
- Defining Schemas and Models
- Schema Types and Validation
- Instance Methods and Statics
- Query Helpers
- Middleware (Pre and Post Hooks)
- Virtuals and Getters/Setters
- Schema Validation with Mongoose
- Custom Validation
- Using MongoDB’s Built-In Validation
- Referencing Documents
- Populating Referenced Documents
- Nested Documents
- Introduction to ACID Transactions in MongoDB
- Implementing Transactions
- Session Handling
- Authentication Mechanisms
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Data Encryption (In-Transit and At-Rest)
- Secure Deployment Best Practices
- Backup Strategies
- Restoring Databases
- MongoDB Atlas Backup and Restore Features
- Mongo Shell
- MongoDB Compass (GUI)
- Robo 3T
- What is Express.js?
- Benefits of Using Express.js
- Installation and Setup
- Understanding Middleware
- Application-Level Middleware
- Router-Level Middleware
- Error-Handling Middleware
- Built-In Middleware
- Third-Party Middleware (e.g., body-parser, morgan)
- Defining Routes
- Route Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH)
- Route Parameters
- Query Parameters
- Route Handling and Chaining
- Express Router for Modular Routes
- The Request Object (req)
- Accessing Request Data (Params, Query, Body, Headers)
- Methods (req.method, req.url, req.params, req.query, req.body)
- The Response Object (res)
- Sending Responses (res.send, res.json, res.sendFile)
- Response Methods (res.status, res.set, res.redirect, res.cookie)
- Introduction to Template Engines
- Using Template Engines (e.g., Pug, EJS, Handlebars)
- Setting Up and Configuring View Engines
- Rendering Views with Data
- Serving Static Files
- Setting Up Static Directories
- Serving Images, CSS, and JavaScript Files
- Parsing Form Data
- Handling Form Submissions
- Using body-parser Middleware
- File Upload Handling with Multer
- Connecting MongoDB with Node.js and Express
- CRUD Operations through Express API
- Error Handling in MongoDB Operations
- Using Mongoose with Express for Database Operations
- User Authentication with Passport.js
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for Authentication
- Implementing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Securing Routes and Middleware for Protected Routes
- Using express-session
- Configuring Session Storage
- Handling User Sessions
- What is React?
- Advantages of Using React
- React vs. Other Front-End Frameworks
- Setting Up a React Project with Create React App
- Understanding JSX Syntax
- Rendering Elements
- The Virtual DOM and How It Works
- Embedding Expressions in JSX
- Functional Components
- Class Components
- Component Hierarchy and Nesting
- Props and State
- Managing State in Functional vs. Class Components
- Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting Phases
- Lifecycle Methods - componentDidMount
- Lifecycle Methods - componentDidUpdate
- Lifecycle Methods - componentWillUnmount
- Using lifecycle methods for API calls and cleanup
- Handling Events in React
- Synthetic Events vs. Native Events
- Passing Arguments to Event Handlers
- Event Binding in Class Components
- Controlled Components
- Uncontrolled Components
- Handling Form Submissions
- Form Validation Techniques
- Using Refs to Access DOM Elements
- Using If-Else Statements
- Ternary Operators for Conditional Rendering
- Logical && Operator for Short-Circuit Evaluation
- Conditional Rendering with Switch Case Statements
- Rendering Lists of Data
- Using Unique Keys for List Items
- Best Practices for List and Key Usage
- Mapping Data to Components
- Introduction to React Hooks
- useState Hook for Managing State
- useEffect Hook for Side Effects
- useContext Hook for State Sharing
- Custom Hooks for Reusable Logic
- Setting Up React Router
- Configuring Routes
- Nested Routes and Layouts
- Programmatic Navigation with useHistory and useNavigate
- Route Guards for Protected Routes
- Lifting State Up to Parent Components
- Context API for State Management
- Introduction to redux
- Redux - Setting Up Redux Store
- Redux - Actions and Reducers
- Redux - Connecting Redux to React Components with connect and useSelector
- Redux - Middleware (Thunk for Asynchronous Actions)
- Fetching Data with Fetch API
- Using Axios for HTTP Requests
- Handling Promises and Async/Await
- Error Handling in API Calls
- Displaying Data Fetched from API
- Inline Styles in JSX
- CSS Stylesheets and Modules
- Using CSS-in-JS with Styled-Components
- Integrating UI Libraries (Material-UI, Bootstrap)
- Using React.memo to Prevent Unnecessary Re-Renders
- Optimizing Performance with useMemo and useCallback Hooks
- Code Splitting and Lazy Loading with React.lazy and Suspense
- Analyzing Performance with React Profiler
- Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
- Render Props Pattern
- Portals for Rendering Children Outside the DOM Hierarchy
- Error Boundaries for Catching JavaScript Errors
- Integrating with Form Libraries (Formik, React Hook Form)
- Using Charting Libraries (Chart.js, Recharts) for Data Visualization
- Implementing Internationalization (i18next)
- Setting Up Testing Environment with Jest
- Writing Unit Tests for Components
- Testing Component Behavior with React Testing Library
- End-to-End Testing with Cypress
- How to setup application for production
- Deployment on Platforms like Heroku or AWS
Job Opportunities for Mern Stack Course
Job opportunities for MERN stack developers are diverse and span various industries and roles. Here are detailed descriptions of potential positions, required skills, and where to look for these opportunities:
- Full-Stack Developer
- Front-End Developer (React)
- Web Developer
- Software Engineer
- Technical Lead
- Freelance Developer
- Junior Developer
FAQ's about Mern Stack Course at Edukators
The MERN stack is a collection of technologies used to build web applications. It consists of MongoDB (a NoSQL database), Express.js (a web application framework for Node.js), React.js (a JavaScript library for building user interfaces), and Node.js (a JavaScript runtime environment).
This course is ideal for aspiring web developers, software engineers, and IT professionals who want to build dynamic and responsive web applications using the MERN stack. Basic knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS is recommended.
Basic understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Familiarity with programming concepts and web development basics is beneficial but not mandatory.
Yes, upon successfully completing the course and all required assessments, you will receive a certification from Edukators, which you can add to your resume and LinkedIn profile.
To enroll in the Mern Stack course at Edukators, please fill out the Join Course form with your details. Alternatively, you can call us at 9119060708 or 9088909937 for assistance with enrollment. We look forward to helping you embark on your Mern Stack development journey with us!
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