React JS Training
React JS Training is a powerhouse for crafting dynamic user interfaces. Its component-based approach fosters modular development, enabling the creation of reusable UI elements for efficient and scalable applications. The virtual DOM optimizes rendering by selectively updating only altered portions, enhancing performance. With a declarative syntax and JSX, React simplifies UI development, providing an intuitive structure. Unidirectional data flow ensures predictability, and the React Router library streamlines navigation in single-page applications. Overall, React.js empowers developers to build interactive, high-performance interfaces with ease. The syntax of React, particularly the use of JSX, adds a layer of simplicity and readability to the code. JSX allows developers to write UI components using a syntax that closely resembles HTML, making it easier to visualize and understand the structure of the user interface.
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About React JS Training at Edukators Coimbatore
React JS Training at Edukators in Coimbatore uses a component-based approach, breaking the UI into reusable parts. This makes code easier to manage and scale. React’s syntax, JSX, lets you write HTML-like code within JavaScript, simplifying development. A standout feature is its virtual DOM, optimizing performance by selectively updating only changed parts. JSX syntax enhances readability, allowing developers to seamlessly integrate HTML-like code into JavaScript. With a unidirectional data flow, React ensures predictability in state management. Training in React equips developers with tools to build dynamic, efficient web applications, making it a crucial skill in the ever-evolving landscape of software development.
Know about our React JS Trainers
React.js trainers in software training are seasoned professionals with deep expertise in React.js, a JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. Leveraging real-world development experience, these trainers deliver comprehensive curricula covering fundamental and advanced React concepts. Their interactive teaching methods, including hands-on exercises and collaborative projects, ensure an engaging learning experience. React.js trainers stay current with the latest updates and industry trends, equipping learners with practical skills and knowledge for modern web development.
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Benefits of taking course with us!
Enrolling in a React JS training course offers numerous benefits for aspiring developers. The course provides a structured and comprehensive learning path, equipping participants with a deep understanding of React's core concepts, including component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and JSX syntax. Hands-on exercises and real-world projects enhance practical skills, while interaction with experienced instructors fosters a deeper comprehension of React.js best practices. Additionally, staying abreast of the latest updates and industry trends ensures that participants gain current and relevant knowledge. Overall, a React JS course accelerates proficiency in building dynamic and efficient user interfaces, positioning learners for success in modern web development.Enroll in our React Course to gain a React JS Certification with expert React training, and master JavaScript in our React JS course
Course Details
- What Is React Js?
- Origin Or React Js
- Features, Benefits And Applications Of React Js
- Why React Js?
- React Versions
- Difference Between Angular And React Js
- Difference Between React Js And Vue Js
- Difference Between React Native And React Js
- Different Ways Of Installing React Js
- Pre-Requisite And Requirements For Installations
- Npm Command Based Installation
- Create-React-App Based Installation
- React Folder Structure
- What Is Package.Json And Package-Lock.Json
- How To Install A Package Using The Package.Json
- React Upgrade
- Online Playgrounds
- What Is Jsx?
- Why Use Jsx?
- Nested Elements In Jsx
- One Top Level Element - Div, Fragment
- Jsx Expressions
- Jsx Comments
- Jsx Styling
- Jsx Attributes
- Jsx Conditions
- Jsx Functions
- What And Why Es6
- Es6 Variables
- Es6 Array Method
- Es6 Arrow Functions
- Es6 Destructuring
- Es6 Spread Operator
- Es6 Classes
- Es6 Promises
- What Is Component & Its Types?
- Component Life Cycle
- Creating Functional Component
- Creating Class Component
- Nesting Component / Component Composition
- Fragments
- Stateless Functional Component
- The Difference Between Stateful And Stateless
- What Is Component State And How To Use It?
- Components Props And It Usage
- Default Props
- Props Validation
- Difference Between State And Props
- What Is React Forms And It Types?
- Uncontrolled Form
- Controlled Form
- Handling Multiple Inputs In Form Component
- What Is React Events?
- Adding Events
- Passing Arguments To Events Handlers
- If Statement
- Logical && Operator
- Ternary Operator
- Switch Case Operator
- Conditional Rendering With Enums
- What Is React List And Usage
- Rendering Lists Inside Components And Using Map Function
- React Key Usage With Example
- When To Use Refs And Not To Use Refs
- Creating Refs
- Accessing Refs
- Adding A Ref To A Dom Element
- Adding A Ref To A Class Component
- Refs And Function Components
- Exposing Dom Refs To Parent Components
- Callback Refs
- Setting Up React Router
- Folder Structure And Basic Usage Of Router
- Components In React Router
- What Is Route?
- Server Vs Client Route
- React Router Switch
- React Router Redirect
- Benefits Of React Router
- Setting Up 404
- React Flux Concept
- Structure And Data Flow
- Advantage Of Flux
- What Is Mcv?
- Mvc Architecture
- Dispatcher
- Stores
- Views (React Components)
- Redux Introduction
- Why Do We Need Something Like Redux?
- Setting Up Redux
- Redux Architecture
- Dispatching Actions
- Subscribing And Dynamic Actions
- Reducers
- Working With Multiple Reducers
- Filtering Redux Data
- Selectors
- Understanding Mapstatetoprops And Mapdispatchttoprops Usage
- The Higher Order Component
- Connecting Store And Component With React-Redux
- React Code Splitting
- React.Lazy
- Suspense
- Route-Based Code Splitting
- Named Export
- Error Boundary In Class
- How To Implement Error Boundaries
- Where To Place Error Boundaries
- New Behavior For Uncaught Error
- Error Boundary In Event Handler
- How Use A Hooks?
- Rules Of Hooks
- React Hooks Pre-Requisites
- Hooks State
- Hooks Effect
- Custom Hooks
- Built-In Hooks
- What Is Strict Mode?
- Identifying Unsafe Lifecycles
- Warning About Legacy String Ref Api Usage
- Warning About Deprecated Finddomnode Usage
- Detecting Unexpected Side Effects
- Detecting Legacy Context Api
- Ensuring Reusable State
- Componentdidmount, Componentwillunmount,
- Useeffect, Uselayouteffect, Useinsertioneffect
- Introduction To Firebase
- Creating The Database
- Writing Data To The Database
- Promises With Firebase
- Removing Data From Firebase
- Updating The Data
- Fetching The Data From The Database
- Writing Async Redux Action With Firebase
- Introduction To Heroku And Setting Up
- Introduction To Firebase Authentication
- Introduction To Expense App Creation
- Login Page Construction
- Login With Google Based Authentication
- Redirect Login And Logout
- Private Only Routes
- Public Only Routes
- Private Firebase Data
- Data Validation And Deployment
- Styling Login Page
- Styling Buttons
- Styling Summary Area
- Styling List Filters
- Styling Inputs
- Styling Expense Form
- Adding Loader
- Babel Polyfill
- Final Deployment
- Introduction To React Unit Testing
- What Is The Difference Between Unit Testing, Integration Testing, And End-To-End Testing?
- What Is The Purpose Of Unit Tests? And Its Primary Intent Of Unit Testing
- When Should You Write A Unit Test?
- Tools We Need To Get Started With Unit Testing In React?
- What Is Test Runner And Test Runner Utilities
- State Involved In Testing A Component
- Introduction To And Jest Setup
- Introduction To Enzyme And Enzyme Setup
- Unit Test The Expense App
- Snapshot Testing
- Logical/Functional Testing
Job Opportunities for React JS Training Course
React.js developers are in high demand in the job market, and there are abundant job opportunities for professionals with expertise in React.js. Here are some aspects of job opportunities for React.js developers:
- Front End Developer Roles
- Full Stack Developer
- Web Development
- E-Commerce Platforms
- Finance and Banking
- Game Developer
- Mobile Developer
- Data Scientist
- Digital Marketing Platforms
- Freelance
FAQ's about React JS Training at Edukators in Coimbatore
Yes, practical projects and hands-on exercises into their React.js courses. These activities enhance learning by allowing students to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios.
Yes, we provide certificates upon successful completion of React.js training programs. Certifications can add value to your resume and showcase your proficiency in React.js to potential employers.
Yes, we offer job placement assistance, helping students connect with potential employers or providing resources for job searches.
Instructors in React.js training programs guide students through lectures, live demonstrations, and one-on-one assistance. They often have industry experience, providing valuable insights and practical tips.
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