DevOps Training
DevOps Training in Coimbatore, DevOps short for Development and Operations, is a collaborative approach to software development and IT operations aimed at enhancing efficiency and agility in the entire software delivery lifecycle. It emphasizes seamless communication and collaboration between development teams, responsible for creating new features, and operations teams, responsible for deployment and maintenance. DevOps seeks to automate processes, enabling continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) to achieve faster and more reliable software releases. By breaking down silos and fostering a culture of collaboration, DevOps accelerates development cycles, reduces errors, and improves overall software quality, ultimately enhancing the responsiveness of organizations to rapidly changing market demands.
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About DevOps Training Course in Edukators Coimbatore
DevOps Training is a structured educational program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills essential for adopting DevOps practices in the realm of software development and IT operations. The DevOps training courses typically cover a broad spectrum, including the principles of continuous integration, continuous delivery, and automation. The DevOps training often includes hands-on exercises, case studies, and real-world scenarios to provide a comprehensive understanding of DevOps concepts. Participants gain proficiency in using popular DevOps tools for version control, continuous integration, deployment, and monitoring. This approach speeds up software development while improving system reliability and scalability. In other words, DevOps bridges the gap between development and operations. For instance, it fosters a more agile and responsive delivery process. Above all, it enhances team collaboration. In addition, it makes systems easier to manage. However, continuous improvement is key for lasting benefits.
Know about DevOps Trainers
DevOps trainers in software training play a crucial role in equipping individuals and teams with the skills and knowledge needed to adopt DevOps practices effectively. These trainers are seasoned professionals with expertise in both software development and IT operations. In other words, they bring extensive knowledge to the table. For instance, they guide students through hands-on exercises, sharing practical insights into tools, methodologies, and collaborative approaches integral to DevOps. Above all, DevOps training fosters a mindset shift, focusing on automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery to boost efficiency and agility. In addition, trainers help organizations navigate the complexities of modern software delivery. After that, you’ll be equipped to promote a culture of collaboration and innovation. Similarly, their expertise aligns with the core principles of DevOps. However, continuous learning is essential to fully benefit from these practices.
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Benefits of taking course with us!
DevOps training provides a valuable skill set encompassing automation, collaboration, and efficiency in both software development and IT operations. Participants gain the ability to implement continuous integration, optimize workflows, and foster a culture of collaboration, leading to faster and more reliable software releases.The DevOps training not only enhances individual career prospects by staying current with industry trends but also benefits organizations through increased productivity, cost efficiency, and improved software quality. In other words, it's a win-win for both professionals and companies. For instance, it equips you with skills that boost career growth and organizational success. Above all, DevOps training is a strategic investment for career advancement and adapting to modern software demands. In addition, you’ll gain hands-on experience with our DevOps online training. After that, you'll be well-prepared to apply essential DevOps skills.
Course Details
- What is DevOps?
- Why DevOps?
- DevOps History
- DevOps Architecture Features
- DevOps Advantages and Disadvantages
- DevOps Architecture
- Introduction to Linux
- History of Linux OS
- Design of Linux OS
- Linux OS uses
- Working of Linux OS
- Linux distributions
- Pros and Cons of Linux OS
- Advantages of Linux
- Why is Linux better than other operating systems?
- Linux Licensing
- Linux Features
- Know about Linux Bash
- Linux vs Unix
- Linux vs Windows
- Debian vs Ubuntu
- Linux Daemon
- Linux Terminal
- Linux sudo
- Linux File Hierarchy
- Binary Directories in Linux
- Configuration Directories in Linux
- Linux Data Directories
- Linux Memory Directories
- Usr Directory in Linux
- var Directory in Linux
- Non-standard directories in Linux
- Vi Editor
- Vi Commands
- switch,move,jump,
- delete,undo and repeat,
- cut, copy, paste,
- paste blocks,
- Start and end
- Joining
- word,Search,Replace all,
- Text Buffers,Abbreviations
- Linux Users
- Local su Commands
- Linux User Management - Create a user in linux
- User Password - Change and set password for the linux
- Know about Local Groups in linux
- Creating users, and groups
- Adding the user to multiple groups
- Modifying users, group, and account
- Deleting user, group and account
- Linux File OwnerShip
- Linux Permission
- Linux Advance Permission
- Linux File Links
- Linux File OwnerShip
- Linux Permission
- Linux Advance Permission
- Linux File Links in hands-on
- Linux Inodes,Linux Link Directories,
- Linux Hard links,Linux Soft links,Linux Remove link
- Linux I/O Redirection
- Linux Input Redirection
- Linux Output Redirection
- Linux Error Redirection
- file
- touch
- rm
- cp
- mv
- rename
- Linux man
- Linux head
- Linux tail
- Linux cat
- Linux tac
- Linux more
- Linux less
- Linux cut
- Linux grep
- Linux comm
- Linux sed
- Linux tee
- Linux tr
- Linux uniq
- Linux wc
- Linux od
- Linux sort
- Linux gzip
- Linux Find
- Linux Locate
- Linux Date
- Linux Cal
- Linux Sleep
- Linux Time
- Linux zcat/zmore
- Linux bzip2 / bunzip2
- Linux bzcat / bzmore
- Linux df
- Linux Commands
- Linux Aliases
- Linux Arguments
- Linux Displaying Shell
- Linux Control Operators (Semicolon, Ampersand, Dollar Question Mark, Double Ampersand,
- Double Vertical Bar, Combining && and || Pound Sign, ESC)
- Linux File Globbing
- Linux Shell Embedding
- Linux Shell History
- Linux History Commands
- Linux Histroy Size
- Linux Bang Bang
- ip ,ifconfig ,traceroute ,tracepath ,ping
- netstat ,ss ,dig ,nslookup ,route ,host
- arp ,iwconfig ,hostname ,curl & wget
- mtr ,whois ,ifplugstatus
- How to Check RAM in Linux
- CPU Utilization in Linux
- What is cache and its types
- Cache clear commands
- What is Tar command
- Making tar and untar in linux
- Linux Memory Management and its commands
- Linux Reboot Command
- DevOps Lifecycle
- DevOps Workflow
- DevOps Principles
- Some identified DevOps practices
- DevOps Tools
- DevOps Automation
- DevOps Automation Tools and its categories
- DevOps Engineers and their roles and responsibilities
- How SSH Works?
- How SSH Authenticates Users?
- Generating and Working with SSH Keys
- Generating an SSH Key Pair
- Generate an SSH Key Pair with a Larger Number of Bits
- Removing or Changing the Passphrase on a Private Key
- Displaying the SSH Key Fingerprint
- Copying your Public SSH Key to a Server with SSH-Copy-ID
- Copying your Public SSH Key to a Server Without SSH-Copy-ID
- Copying your Public SSH Key to a Server Manually
- What is SCP ?
- SCP Advantages
- Copy one single local file to a remote destination
- Copy one single file from a remote server to your current local server
- Copy one single file from a remote server to another remote server
- Copy files between two remote server that are not in the same network
- Copy one single file from a remote host to the same remote host in another location
- Copy multiple files with one command
- Copy all files of a specific type
- Copy all files in a folder to a remote server
- Copy all files in a folder recursively to a remote server
- Copy a folder and all its contents to a remote server
- File zilla installation
- Transfering files with filezilla
- What is Jenkins?
- History of Jenkins
- What is Continuous Integration?
- Continuous Integration with Jenkins
- Advantages and Disadvantages of using Jenkins
- Jenkins Architecture ( Master-Slave architecture )
- Installing and setting up Jenkins on Windows
- Jenkins builds
- Jenkins security
- GitHub Setup for Jenkins
- Jenkin Maven Setup
- Jenkin Management
- Integrating Jenkins with GitHub
- User management in Jenkins
- Creating jobs and automatic build settings
- Adding a slave node to Jenkins
- Building Delivery Pipeline
- Notification settings in Jenkins
- Plugin management in Jenkins
- Jenkins Code Analysis
- Jenkins Distributed Builds
- Automated Deployment
- Metrics and Trends
- Jenkin Server Maintenance
- Jenkin Continuous Deployment
- Jenkins Managing Plugin
- Jenkins Backup Plugin
- How to Restart Jenkins
- What is Script?
- What is a program?
- Types of Scripts
- Difference between Script & Programming Languages
- Features of Scripting
- Limitation of Scripting
- Types of programming Language Paradigms
- What is IDE?
- Environment setup - Installation of Python
- Writing first script
- Interactive and Script Mode programming
- Compiler and interpreter difference
- How to make executable python file?>
- What is syntax?
- What is variable?
- What is identifiers?
- What is keywords?
- What is comment and its types?
- Usage of Quatations
- How to use help and dir functions?
- Static typing and dynamic typing
- What is data type?
- String
- Integers
- List
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- Set & Frozen set
- Boolean data type
- Built in function of data types
- Mutable and immutable
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Assignment Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Membership Operators
- Identity Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Ternary operator & nested ternary operator
- Grouping Statements: Indentation and Blocks
- If statement
- if else statement
- elif statement
- nested if, if else, elif statement
- one line if statement
- pass keyword >
- for loop with else
- while loop with else
- continue and break
- range and xrange difference
- list, tuple, dict comprehension
- Built in function
- User defined function
- Nested function
- Recursive function
- *args and **kwargs function
- Global and nonlocal keywords usage
- Lambda function
- Reduce, map, filter functions
- File handling in python
- Type of modes in file
- Example for writing a file
- Example for reading a file
- Example for reading and writing a image file
- What is Cloud Computing?
- Why Cloud Computing?
- History of Cloud Computing
- Characteristics of Cloud Computing
- Advantage and Disadvantage of cloud computing
- Applications of Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing Types
- Public Cloud
- Private Cloud
- Hybrid Cloud
- Community Cloud
- Saas
- Paas
- Iaas
- What is Virtualization?
- Data Virtualization
- Hardware Virtualization
- Software Virtualization
- Server Virtualization
- Storage Virtualization
- OS Virtualization
- Linux Virtualization
- Windows Virtualization
- Introduction to AWS
- History of AWS
- AWS Regions, Availability Zones and Edge Location
- Shared Infra Structure and Isolation in AWS Cloud.
- Signup for AWS Account
- Overview of AWS Management Console
- AWS Account root user
- What is IAM?
- Features of IAM
- IAM components
- IAM and Terminology
- IAM Users and Groupd (Hands-on)
- IAM MFA (Hands on)
- What is policy and its Types
- IAM Policies (Hands-on)
- Difference between Managed Policy and Inline Policy
- IAM Roles (Hands-on)
- Shared responsibilities for IAM
- Access Analyzer
- The benefit of using Access Analyzer
- Network Bandwidth, Latency, Throughput
- What is EC2?
- Components of EC2
- EC2 Instance Types
- Instance Lifecycle
- Creating EC2 Instance (Hands-on)
- Security Groups and Classic Ports overview
- Security Group (Hands-on)
- Basic overview of AMI
- What is SSH?
- How to start and restart SSH component
- About sshd config file
- Private IP vs Public IP for EC2 instance
- What is Key Pair
- What is Cryptography
- Private Key
- Public Key
- Configuring Password authentication for created instance (Hands-on)
- Making SSH connection with putty - with the password, SSH Key file (Hands-on)
- Making SSH connection with Linux - with the password, SSH Key file (Hands-on)
- What is Elastic IP?
- Attach and Detach Elastic IP (Hand-on)
- EBS Overview
- EBS (Hands-on) - Create and attach
- what is EBS Snapshot ?
- EBS Snapshot (Hands-on) - Create and Delete
- EC2 Instance Store
- AMI overview
- AMI (Hands-on)
- EBS Volume types
- EBS Multi-Attach (Hands-on)
- Quick start with auto scaling
- Making autoscaling with launch configuration (Hands-on)
- Auto scaling Key items
- Auto scaling Lifecycle
- Scaling Policies
- High Availability and Scalability
- Introduction to load balancer (ELB)
- Why we need load balancers
- Types of load balancers
- Application load balancer
- Network load balancer
- Gateway load balancer
- SSL termination
- ELB Stickiness
- ELB Cross-Zone Load Balancing
- High Availability and Scalability
- Introduction to load balancer (ELB)
- Why we need load balancers
- Types of load balancers
- Application load balancer
- Network load balancer
- Gateway load balancer
- SSL termination
- ELB Stickiness
- ELB Cross-Zone Load Balancing
- Introduction to VPC
- What can we do with VPC
- Benefits of VPC
- Components of VPC
- Default and Non default VPC
- Subnet, IGW, NAT
- Route Table
- Network Access Control List, Security Groups, VPC Flow logs
- VPC Peering, Direct Connect, Endpoints, VPN, DX
- VPC (Hands-on)
- Cloud Watch Overview
- CloudWatch Metrics
- CloudWatch Custom Metrics
- CloudWatch Logs (Hands On)
- CloudWatch Agent & CloudWatch Logs Agent
- CloudWatch Synthetics
- Creating and Configuring Monitor Service
- Cloud Watch Alarm
- Creating Alarm for cloud watch (Hands-on)
- SQS Overview
- Queue types
- SQS (Hands-on)
- SQS - Message Visibility Timeout
- SNS Overview
- SNS Publishers and Subscribers
- SNS (Hands-on)
- Serverless Introduction
- AWS Lambda Overview
- Introduction to VCS
- What is Git?
- Why Git?
- Features of Git
- Benefits of Git
- Prerequisites of Git
- Installing Git
- Configuring Git
- Getting Help
- Cheat Sheet
- Github and Gitlab difference
- Git version Check
- Creating repo in git
- What is Readme file?
- Git Init
- Configuring global variables
- What is branch ?
- Creating a branch in a repo
- Switching between branches
- How to delete a branch in local
- Creating files in local branch
- What is git stash?
- How to see list of stash?
- How to apply stash?
- How to remove stash from a list?
- What is git commit?
- Adding files to staging
- How to remove a files in staging?
- Making first commit
- Making second Commit
- How to undo commit?
- Pushing commit to the remote repo
- Creating a PR
- How to review a PR?
- Making files and doing a commit
- What is git fetch and what it does?
- Git pull and what id does
- What is git reset?
- Changing files and making commit
- what is git diff and how to do diff?
- Making diff with staged files
- What is cloning? and handson making cloning repo
- What is rebase?
- Rebase with example
- How to solve conflicts?
- How to make commit after solving conflicts with handson?
- What is tagging?
- What is Git Merging ?
- What is difference between merging and rebasing?
- Features of Docker
- Components of Docker
- Setting up Docker
- How to check Docker Version
- How to check Docker Info
- Know about Docker Hub
- Displaying Docker Images
- Downloading Docker Images
- Removing Docker Images
- Docker inspect
- Docker – Container Lifecycle
- Running a Container
- Listing of Containers
- Docker ps -a, history, top
- Docker Remove, Stats, attach
- Docker pause, unpause, kill
- Docker service commands
- Docker shell and nsenter
- Docker Files
- Docker - Building Files
- Docker - Public Repositories - tag, push, pull
- Managing Ports
- Private Registries
- Building a Web Server Docker File
- Container Linking
- Docker Storage
- Networking
- Listing All Docker Networks
- Inspecting a Docker network
- Creating Your Own New Network
- Docker - Compose
- Docker - Logging
- What is Kubernetes?
- Overview of Kubernetes
- Features of Kubernetes
- Why we need Kubernetes
- Know about Kubernetes Architecture
- Know about Cluster Architecture
- Master Machine Components
- Node Components
- Master and Node Structure
- Settingup Kubernetes
- Creating a Job
- Scheduled Job
- Know about Labels
- Know about Selectors
- Creating a Job
- Scheduled Job
- Know about Labels
- Know about Selectors
- Functionality of Namespace
- Create a Namespace
- Control the Namespace
- What is Node
- Know what is Node Controller
- What is pod
- Types of Pod
- Creating Pods
- Know about Replication Controller
- Know about Replica Sets
- What is volumes in Kubernetes
- Types of Kubernetes Volume
- Understanc about Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim
- Creating Persistent Volume
- Creating Persistent Volume Claim
- Getting Details About PVC
- Understanding Secrets in Kubernetes
- Know about Network Policy in Kubernetes
- What is Configuration Management?
- How Ansible Works?
- Setting up Ansible
- Understanding YAML
- The Different YAML Tags
- Ad hoc Commands
- Creating a Job
- Scheduled Job
- Know about Labels
- Know about Selectors
Requirements for DevOps Training
Job Opportunities in DevOps
DevOps professionals are in high demand as organizations increasingly adopt DevOps practices to improve collaboration, automate processes, and accelerate software delivery. Job opportunities for DevOps Training practitioners can be found across various industries and job roles. Here are some common job titles and roles for DevOps professionals:
- DevOps Engineer
- Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
- Cloud Engineer
- Automation Engineer
- CI/CD Specialist
- Security DevOps Engineer
- DevOps Consultant
- QA Engineer in DevOps
- DevOps Trainer
- Full Stack Developer with DevOps Skills
FAQ's about DevOps Training at Edukators Coimbatore
DevOps is a collaborative approach that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to improve communication, collaboration, and automation in the software development process. It’s essential for faster and more reliable software delivery.
Beginners can contribute by learning key DevOps tools, participating in small projects, actively collaborating with team members, and staying curious about industry best practices and emerging technologies. Engaging in continuous learning is key.
DevOps certifications demonstrate to employers that you have the knowledge and skills needed for effective collaboration, automation, and continuous integration. It can be a key factor in securing a DevOps position.
Employers often seek candidates with foundational skills in version control (e.g., Git), automation tools, basic scripting, and an understanding of continuous integration and delivery principles.
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